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  • Writer's pictureTRPOA Board

Fall 2021 Newsletter

Hello TRPOA Members!

It has been a quiet summer here since our last posting in May.

Now, as Fall arrives, many of the trees around our neighborhood are in full color accentuating everyone's hard work this past Spring during the Fire Free cleanup. It's a great time to take a walk around to see the results. Great work everyone!

As an added benefit of our 2021 Fire Free efforts, we now have a large pile of wood chips available to us for spreading along the walking path. These chips are presently located in the common area near the well enclosure. It's time to take advantage of the cooler temperatures and clear skies to spread the chips along the walking path.

Keep an eye out in the coming weeks for a call for volunteers to help spread some chips along the pathway. The last time this was done several years ago, around fourteen volunteers took care of the entire pathway in around three hours. It's an effort that pays dividends for years to come!

2021 BYOP Party This Weekend!

It's time again for what has become the (un)official TRPOA Annual Pumpkin Carving Event, AKA the Great "BYOP" (Bring Your Own Pumpkin)!

This much loved event takes place this Saturday, October 23rd at Cathy Moore and Kathy Hoskins' house at 64103 Tumalo Rim Drive from 1pm to 4pm.

  • All are welcome for this annual back-yard, outdoor event

  • Be sure to "BYOP"!

  • Carving tools provided

  • Snacks and adult beverages will be provided

  • Carving stations will be socially distanced

Bend Food Project

Cathy Moore is also our local neighborhood coordinator for the Bend Food Project.

The Bend Food Project is a non-profit organization that collects food for those in need. Some are surprised to learn that there are many members of our community that struggle with food security issues throughout the year.

The Bend Food Project aims to be part of the solution by collecting food for those in need year 'round, not just during the holidays. This is allows us all to have a lasting positive impact by way of their convenient green bag program.

How it works: As a neighborhood coordinator, Cathy provides the distinctive bright green reusable grocery bags which you can fill with nonperishable food items. Then, every other month, Cathy will collect your filled bag and provide you with another empty bag to start the process over.

This is an easy and effective way to share with those who are truly in need. Please feel free to reach out to Cathy Moore at 714-609-1226 to get started!

More information about the Bend Food Project may be found at their website, here:

2021 Annual Meeting

The 2021 Annual Membership Meeting will be held this year on Tuesday November 16, 2021 at 7pm.

In light of ongoing concerns about public gatherings, this years meeting will be conducted via Zoom, the online interactive meeting platform. This method will also permit those that might be out of town to attend.

We will send out invitations to the Zoom meeting to everyone in the neighborhood prior to the meeting and we will also send out reminder e-mail notices a week in advance about the date and time to all members.

State of the Association

As of this newsletter in late October 2021, the TRPOA is in excellent form and the outlook is good into the coming year. As of this writing there are no pending nor outstanding issues confronting our neighborhood as a whole nor the Tumalo Rim Property Owners Association.

The maintenance of the neighborhood common areas is ongoing and much progress has been made over past several years by our dedicated membership to minimize ground fuels and debris in these areas.

Overall, Tumalo Rim continues to be a great place to live (some say THE greatest!) and it's thanks to you, the members of the neighborhood, that make it so!

Kind regards,

Your TRPOA Board

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Oct 24, 2021

Thanks to Cathy and Kathy for hosting the BYOP event. It was so nice to meet some of the neighbors. Hope we can have more events that being the neighbors together! Gil and Karen Mendoza

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